Interpretive Design
Designing interpretive panels is a very specialised field. They need to be attractive and engaging and contain just the right level of information to visitors - enough to spark their interest and help them go away with a better understanding of the significance of the site but not be too long-winded or wordy. Well chosen graphics and illustrations with captivating headings, good captions and concise explanations are generally the best way to go. Visitors can be directed to web sites or other publications to find additional information when they want it.
Many of our clients have their own design facilities and wish to supply us with finished artwork, ready to print. Others might prefer just to supply text and illustrations and ask us to design the panel layout for them. Then there are those who would like us to develop the whole thing, through concept and research to providing original content and illustrations. We are able to produce original illustrations and mapping where necessary (click here for information). In essence, we are happy to take on projects from whatever stage the client feels they could benefit from our help.
There are two basic approaches to producing interpretation for particular locations. One is to provide an overview of the whole site, as might be suitable at access points for trails, car parking areas or in the centre of a village. These might often need to include a map with bullet points for the things to look out for. These installations can be quite high profile, perhaps in upright format, with a header board or mounted in a canopied shelter, so that they can be seen from a distance.
For trails or on larger sites where there may be a number of diverse topics to be covered, it is generally better to have a series of smaller boards, each covering a particular point of interest. These can generally be more discreet in style, perhaps in lectern format or using our signal post signs.
Below are just a very few examples of the many hundreds of interpretive panels we have designed over the years.

One of a whole range of panels we designed for this project, on nature, history, culture, landscape etc.

A long distance footpath in the Scottish Borders and North Northumberland

One of a set for the battlefield trail

A community woodland in Bearsted

Using illustrations by local schoolhildren

Panel explaining fishing techniques

One of 32 different panels we designed

Beach information board


One of the zones in the Curraghs Wildlife Park



For Kailzie

One of a series produced for Stockport Borough Council

On the Cumbrian Coast

Part of a visitor centre display

Telling the story of a local legend

Part of South Tyneside Heritage Trail

On the south side of the Tay Bridge

Conservation panel

An overview of the site

A Sheffield Wildlife Trust nature reserve

One of a series of boards designed for the London Borough of Bromley

A nature reserve in Dundee

One of a series of boards designed for locations around Epping Forest

A series of panels produced for a conservation project
Get in touch if you would like further information: